I go to my room to tidy my books right away.(我马上走回自己的房间收拾我的书。)
"Better 2 tidy up", she thought, "wipe away those tears, stop sniffling."(“该整理一下情绪”,她在心里对自己说,“要把眼泪擦掉,别再抽泣了。”)
The house stood only a little way away from our home. Its garden was always neat and tidy, the crocuses and lilacs planted so carefully, the lawn so even and lush and yet, it seemed to stand empty.(那栋房子离我家不远,房前的花园是整齐干净的,上面精心种植着藏红花和丁香,草坪平坦而茂盛,而且似乎一直空无一人。)
Please tidy away before you leave.(请你离开之前把一切整理好。)
Please help me tidy away my beautiful schoolbag.(帮我把漂亮的书包好好收藏。)
Can you tidy away your clothes, please?(请把衣服收拾起来行吗?)
Mrs Tittlemouse is "a most terribly tidy particular little mouse", forever cleaning her house and shooing away intruders.(小不点鼠太太是“一只有极度洁癖、挺特别的小老鼠”,总是在打扫她的房子,嘘开那些不速之客。)
When the children have a lot of toys everywhere, parents can call their children to tidy away the toys, or lead his own pack.(当孩子把一大堆玩具弄得满地都是,家长可以叫着孩子一起收拾玩具,或者引导他自己收拾。)
Then one of the big girls came up, calling, 'Helen Burns! Go and put away your work and tidy your drawer immediately, or I'll tell Miss Scatcherd!(这时一个大孩子跑过来叫着:“海伦·伯恩斯,赶快去收拾你的课本,整理你的抽屉,否则我就去报告斯盖查德小姐!”)
We'll have to tidy away these papers before we have dinner.(我们吃晚饭前得把这些文件清理走。)
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